Monday, December 7, 2015


Creativity flows when I hear music... I'm listening to acoustic covers of this years top music, it's very relaxing and helps me think while soothing distractions in my brain.

Tomorrow I meet with some people that will help me decide where I shall move to. Do I move back in to mom's house where I have limited freedoms, out on my own where I do everything by myself or a slightly more shared environment like a dorm but I can have my car and no mom to watch over me.

It's tough being in adult in a new city with no job and a diagnosis of bipolar.  PA treats mental disease differently than CT.  I find myself not following through loopholes.  I need structure in my life, I choose to live correctly and it's hard to do in this harsh, cold world. My problem is that I see the good in people, even if they have fallen.  I help them back up... Now that I type that I can see where I'd be a good peer counselor. Not ready to work yet though.  I'll try that again in a couple months. The federal government is helping me again, I can do this... This is just a small hiccup in a long life.

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